You cannot be a sloppy thinker.
Commenting about what-is will keep your vibration all over the place.
It causes you to activate so many contradictory vibrations. Your path of least resistance is being offered to you but you can’t find it because you are swirling in the confusion of all the things you are randomly focused upon.
You are such avid observers of What-Is. Someone convinced you the reality of what is – is what matters.
That’s old news. If you keep focusing on what-is, talking about it, blogging about it, joining chat rooms about it, talking to your girlfriends about it… As you talk about What-Is, you hold yourself in that holding pattern where what you prefer cannot be seen by you.
It’s being REVEALED to you. The path is there for you. You do not see obvious signs because you are not in the receptive mode.
You’re looking for trouble rather than for solutions. You’re looking for problems rather than solutions. You’re amplifying questions instead of expecting answers.
If there’s something good you observe it, more good comes. If there’s something bad and you observe it, more bad comes.
You’re observing reality. What you came here to do is CREATE reality.
When you sort reality into piles of good things and bad things, good things and bad things (such as democrats/republicans) you make yourself a vibrational match to all of it.