Using the "Focus Wheel"
Our Law of Attraction Feel Better Fast meetup group started this week!
Each month we are studying a different book by spiritual teachers such as Abraham Hicks. For December, we are studying the book: Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
You can read about the Focus Wheel technique in this month’s book: Ask and It Is Given.
If you do not have the book for this month and wish to listen to it, the entire book is on audio on YouTube.
I recommend doing a YouTube search and finding several other videos with Abraham walking people through a focus wheel so you can really get the hang of how to find the better feeling thoughts that don’t have resistance to them.
Once you have practiced this technique a few times, you will easily be able to use it anytime and anywhere.
Abraham talks about the focus wheel as the fastest way to raise your vibration. Imagine mastering a technique that can make you feel better within MINUTES! Every time! In the video above, Abraham mentions that Esther will start a focus wheel and end up with pages and pages of better feeling thoughts.
Once you start finding better feeling thoughts, more and more better feeling thoughts join them and then you are on an upward spiral instead of downward spiral of thinking.
Next week, we will continue our discussion of Ask and It Is Given and we will be going over a technique from the book called Segment Intending.
Join us in our Law of Attraction Meetup Group!