Using the Focus Wheel – Law of Attraction Meetup Group

Using the "Focus Wheel"

Our Law of Attraction Feel Better Fast meetup group started this week!


Each month we are studying a different book by spiritual teachers such as Abraham Hicks. For December, we are studying the book: Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks.


Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

You can read about the Focus Wheel technique in this month’s book: Ask and It Is Given.


If you do not have the book for this month and wish to listen to it, the entire book is on audio on YouTube.


I recommend doing a YouTube search and finding several other videos with Abraham walking people through a focus wheel so you can really get the hang of how to find the better feeling thoughts that don’t have resistance to them. 


Once you have practiced this technique a few times, you will easily be able to use it anytime and anywhere. 

Abraham talks about the focus wheel as the fastest way to raise your vibration. Imagine mastering a technique that can make you feel better within MINUTES! Every time! In the video above, Abraham mentions that Esther will start a focus wheel and end up with pages and pages of better feeling thoughts. 

Once you start finding better feeling thoughts, more and more better feeling thoughts join them and then you are on an upward spiral instead of downward spiral of thinking. 

Next week, we will continue our discussion of Ask and It Is Given and we will be going over a technique from the book called Segment Intending.  


Join us in our Law of Attraction Meetup Group! 


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What is Creative Visualization and Why Use It?

Are you living the life you dreamed of? Or does life seem to just “happen” to you?

If you can’t enthusiastically say “Yes! I’m definitely living the life of my dreams!” then intentional creative visualization could be the key to your ideal future.

“Creative Visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life.” ~ Shakti Gawain 

It “involves understanding and aligning yourself with the natural principles that govern the workings of our universe, and learning to use these principles in the most conscious and creative way.” (Gawain)

Yes! You can use your imagination to actually create things you want in your life! People have been doing this since the dawn of man.

In 1979, teacher Shakti Gawain published an excellent book called “Creative Visualization”. She walks the readers through the process of making a conscious connection with their higher selves.

This connection allows the individual to make incredible changes in their life.

Creative Visualization is actually as old as the world.

“It is your natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the universe which you use constantly, whether or not you are aware of it.” (Gawain). Every living creature has used creative visualization, whether they called it that or not. 

“Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you.” (Gawain).

Without knowing about creative visualization, it could seem highly improbable that you can actually make your hearts desires become realities.

We are always creating with our visualizations. The problem is… we are too often creating things we do NOT want! 

“Because of our own deep-seated negative concepts about life, we have automatically and unconsciously expected and imagined lack, limitation, difficulties, and problems to be our lot in life. To one degree or another that is what we have created for ourselves.” (Gawain)

Why Use Creative Visualization

Actually, we are always using creative visualization. The key is to intentionally use creative visualization to create the things we truly desire. It could be peace, a state of calmness, better relationships, a more satisfying career, a bigger family.

You can choose to use creative visualization on any part of your life you want to improve. 

When you aren’t intentional about using creative visualization, it can feel as if life is just happening to you and you have no real control over it. Whatever happens, happens. 

Fortunately, you DO have control over what you experience in life. You can use the power of your mind to connect with your higher Self and intentionally visualize and create beautiful things in literally all areas of your existence. 

If you are desiring better health, you can make that a reality. 

If you are wanting a peaceful home environment, you can make that a reality.

If you are dreaming of writing a book, you can make that a reality. 

There is no limit to what you can create in your life once you learn the secrets to intentionally using Creative Visualization.

To practice Creative Visualization, I highly recommend using the Creative Visualization Workbook by Shakti Gawain. 

I would love to hear what you have been able to intentionally create in your life! Remember, without intentionally using creative visualization, our fears and negative influences create unwanted things in our lives.

Take control right now! You can do this! I believe in you!

Abraham Hicks Video – Why You Aren’t Getting What You Want

why you aren't getting what you want

Ever wonder why you aren’t getting what you want?

In this video, Abraham Hicks helps you uncover why you aren’t getting what you want. 

*For a free mini Law of Attraction Coaching Session text “free session” to 877-7JOYFUL

In this video, Abraham Hicks explains elements of the Law of Attraction and what you are doing that prevents you from getting what you want.

  • Be a cooperative component
  • Everything is vibration before it is a manifestation
  • You interpret vibration – what you are seeing, hearing, tasting, touching is you interpreting vibration
  • You are so good at interpreting vibration that you don’t know you’re doing it.
  • Everything around you is an interpretation of vibration

Loving, Caring Source Energy knows you

Part of the consciousness that is you is focused in this physical body but the larger part of the consciousness that is you is focused in the stable non-physical part.

You are launching rockets of desire and vibrationally becoming.

The path of most abundance , most fun, most adventure – that path is always projected with such clarity.

The question is  – *** Are you in the receptive mode of the clear path?***

The answer varies within you from moment to moment.

Clear Path - Law of Attraction


You can tell what your receptive mode is by your mood.

If you are feeling bummed out, like a victim, then your vibration is the reason your path isn’t lighting up for you in a clearer way 

Clarity is what you are shooting for. 

When you can’t make your mind up – should I or shouldn’t I? You have split energy. 

Split energy is the most uncomfortable of all experiences.

Split energy is wanting it and doubting it, not believing I can have it. Wanting it and resenting other people who have it.

Still wondering why you aren’t getting what you want?


  • Pretend you have it when you don’t
  • Act as if you have things you don’t have
  • Find the feeling place of what you want
  • Stop beating the drum of not having it
  • Stop pointing out what’s missing all the time

When you point out what’s missing, you keep what’s missing active in your vibration and you prevent it from coming!

You think “I want it, but…”  So you call it. You prevent it. You call it. You prevent it.

You ask for it and then don’t allow yourself to see it.

You are COMPLETELY responsible for your receptivity. You are not responsible for what other people do.

Stop giving attention to what you have no control over. It keeps you out of the receptive mode.

Come to accept:

  • You live in a vibrational universe
  • The Powerful Law of Attraction manages all vibration
  • You are a focusing mechanism
  • You are a vibrational being
  • You are offering a steady vibrational frequency
  • The universe is responding to the frequency you are offering

There are two ways to tell what’s coming. By the way you feel and what came.

Don’t dig in to yourself and try to figure out what you are doing that is wrong. All that does is practice that frequency longer.

Instead, find things that feel good to focus upon. Tune yourself to the frequency of who you really are.

How you feel is a result of what you’ve been offering.

You want to get your momentum moving in the direction of what you are wanting.

You are Source Energy in physical bodies. You have a strong momentum of well-being going before you came into these physical bodies.

That’s a powerful momentum. That momentum will carry you on into Eternity. That’s the vibration that is really who you are. It’s a vibration of well-being.

You cannot be a sloppy thinker. 

Commenting about what-is will keep your vibration all over the place.

It causes you to activate so many contradictory vibrations. Your path of least resistance is being offered to you but you can’t find it because you are swirling in the confusion of all the things you are randomly focused upon. 

You are such avid observers of What-Is. Someone convinced you the reality of what is – is what matters. 

That’s old news. If you keep focusing on what-is, talking about it, blogging about it, joining chat rooms about it, talking to your girlfriends about it… As you talk about What-Is, you hold yourself in that holding pattern where what you prefer cannot be seen by you.

It’s being REVEALED to you. The path is there for you. You do not see obvious signs because you are not in the receptive mode. 

You’re looking for trouble rather than for solutions. You’re looking for problems rather than solutions. You’re amplifying questions instead of expecting answers. 

If there’s something good you observe it, more good comes. If there’s something bad and you observe it, more bad comes. 

You’re observing reality. What you came here to do is CREATE reality. 

When you sort reality into piles of good things and bad things, good things and bad things (such as democrats/republicans) you make yourself a vibrational match to all of it. 

Abraham Hicks pointed out in this video:

  • We are all vibrational beings
  • Focusing on what is, prevents us from seeing and having what we want.
  • When you observe good, more good comes.
  • When you observe bad, more bad comes. 
  • Get momentum moving in the direction you want by looking at good things.
  • Stop pointing out what’s missing.
  • Pretend you already have what it is you want.
  • Act as if you already have what you want.

Does the Law of Attraction Always Work?

Yes. The Law of Attraction always works because it is a divine law. Spiritual laws are always in operation.

Sometimes it feels like the law of attraction is not working because we are not seeing abundance manifested in our lives. But lack manifests in our lives when our thoughts and vibrations are aligned with lack.

What ever you currently see in your life is a manifestation of your past thoughts. What you had been thinking and believing and feeling is showing up as your current situation. This is so because it is Law.