Twenty two years ago, I began studying with a metaphysical teacher. I learned about the divinely metaphysical principles that govern the Universe. I was taught how to focus my thought upon Truth instead of upon what this material world tries to make us believe is true.
The result was learning how to heal myself and others. I learned how to be at peace. I learned how to use divinely metaphysical Truths to alter the course of my life.
Years later, there were times where I became so mesmerized by the painful situations I was facing that my mind forgot to focus on Truth. It was instead focusing on all the grief and heartache that was seeming to be happening to me.
Once I realized I needed to reconnect with my Metaphysical Life Coach and Teacher more often, I began seeing the light again. The deep depression and PTSD no longer was my reality. Hope, joy, peace and healing were my new existence.